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Trans-Amazon Highway
We had a good trip home from Altamira. Keith and Marsha rode back with us for the first four hours. Then we had breakfast at their house in Pacajá. Marsha stayed their and Keith carried on with us for the remaining 5 hours to Marabá, so he could work on his church building permits and documents.
Bella took these photos through the window of our Toyota, as we drove along. Sometimes there were trucks stuck in the middle of the long hills, apparently blocking the road. We somehow crept past them and carried on. One bridge was being repaired, so we had to wait for a half hour or so.
Look for the two photos of the milkman. Do you wish you could have a job delivering milk like this? This man has probably been up since about 2 a.m. hand-milking his cows so he can deliver the fresh milk to the people in the town for their breakfast. This is quite common.
Dolan Guest House
Pacajá Construction Project
Trans-Amazon Highway
We took our new truck for a test drive on Friday, 513 kms (about 300 miles) of TransAmazon Highway. About half of this stretch of highway is now paved, which is such a treat. The other half…here are some photos. It was a treat having our truck. The trip took about 12 hours, including a two-hour lunch break with the Wilsons in Pacajá.
Walk About
One of the girls took these photos out of our window this week. It reminds me of a time in Altamira when Olivia was just small. A large iguana, about 5 feet long, fell out of the tree right above where she was jumping on the trampoline. It landed right beside her.
I think this one lost it’s footing because it was watching the camera. Don’t you hate it when that happens?