“We have put the youth in charge of everything for the Saturday night service. They decide the order of the service, who will preach and if there will be other activities. This is the first week. Max is preaching and he is real nervous about it.” Ivanildo is talking to me, Rick, during my first day back in Marabá.
During the worship (singing part) I sensed the Holy Spirit in a way that is stronger than sensed His “tangible” presence in a long time.
Max got everyone’s attention. “I am going to share something with you I have not shared with anyone here. When I was born, it was a very difficult birth for my mom. The mid-wife, or delivery nurse, told my mom she should just kill me, because kids that give difficult births give nothing but trouble all their lives. For many years this really bothered me. A lot. I tried my best to not be trouble, to succeed in life.” After talking for 15 more minutes he gave an alter call and 4 of the young people came forward to give their lives to Jesus.
Then the youth played youth group games for about 1/2 an hour. What a cool service!