First Day in School

We move to Brazil with a one year old baby.

Yesterday was her first day of University in Canada.

We had three more daughters in Brazil.

Yesterday was their first day of Private School in Canada. Thanks for the scholarships.

Yesterday I left for Brazil alone. The moving sidewalks in the airports just aren’t as fun by myself.

Whoever would have imagined this day?


Fajitas with Phil and Jen

Phil and Jen are planning to move to Brazil in January as full time missionaries! My flight to Brazil included a layover in Toronto so they cleared their evening and drove up. I am looking forward to our next meeting, in Brazil, in January, if all goes as we hope and plan. (Lord willing).

Drying Clothes

A backhoe was working in our yard. The operator looked at our clothesline and asked us what it was. Ivanildo explained how we hung our clothes to dry, and could stand in one place while pulling the cable over pulleys to move the clothes. He looked, and looked. Finally he just smiled and shook his head like, “Now I have seen everything”! There are no clothes drier machines that we know of in Marabá. Everyone hangs all their laundry around the yard, or on their porch, or in their homes. Barbed wire fences work really well. We set up a similar clothes line with cables and pulleys at Ivanildo’s house. It extends way out to the top of a tree down the hill from his house. One girl was staring at Ivanildo’s line for quite awhile. Finally she went up to Monica, “How do you hang your clothes so high up in the air, and how do you get them back down again”?

Wasting time is not a waste

Lots of activities feel like wasted time. Maybe this is one reason I sometimes struggle to take a sabbath (one day out of seven) rest? Do I feel it will be wasted time. I lovemy work. I long to see better results. I find that when I force myself to quit working for a rest day I look forward to Mondays. In a sense I dread the end of the week, because I love my work so much. But I love the week-ends too, and I love Mondays. Sabbath rest days are one of the keys to a winning rhythm of life.

Some of the ways I feel like I waste time, but which are really import in the bigger picture:
  • Driving long distances.
  • Down time.
  • Family time.
  • Quiet time.
  • Researching new ways to do things. (A lot of these do not work).
  • Going slowly to understand how to do things right. (I always hope this will get fast with time).
  • Reading a novel.
  • Days off.
  • Listening instead of talking.
  • Sabbath rest days

Then Jesus said to them, “The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath. Mark 2:27, NLT

In fact, wasting time is a key part of our lives.
Wasting time poorly is a sin, because not only are you forgoing the productivity, generosity and art that comes from work, but you’re also giving up the downtime, experimentation and joy that comes from wasting time.
If you’re going to waste time (and I hope you will) the least you can do is do it well.
Godin, Seth, “Seth’s Blog : Wasting time is not a waste” Email to RBergen, August 12, 2012

Stillwood Camp

“I survived my first week at camp.” Olivia is working as a staff helper
way up in the mountains. Most helpers and staff have been coming here
every summer for many years, progressing naturally from campers to
leaders. They are all really nice people, and really glad for the
opportunity to hang out with each other. “This is not an easy place to
make new friends, but it is a great place to serve.” Olivia and Annika
learned in Seattle many people find it difficult to go instantly deep
in a conversation and be talking for half an hour before they realize
they don’t know the other person’s name. In settings like this MKs
often shine.
The guest speaker during “Campfire Hour” explained to the 300
tween-agers (11-13 year olds) and the 150 staff how many things, “like
food, alcohol, drugs, sex, movies…” are good if they are used right,
but not good if they are used wrong. “I love videos.” He had a video
player on the stage. But he put the movie in upsidedown and ever which
way, calling to the kids to help use it right. Finally, working up a
theatrical rage, he took a big sledge hammer and !!KerSMash!! with a
roundhouse swing he dramatically destroyed the movie player! Movies are
not good if they are used wrong. The next morning Guest Speaker
produced a bottle of ketchup. “I love ketchup! I love it on hot dogs,
hash browns, french fries and hamburger meat. I love it on everything!
He started to spread it all over his arms, then he squirted a bunch in
his hair and rubbed in all in. (The kids in the photo are the ones who
stayed back for extra ministry).
Olivia is full of stories about the zip line through the tall trees,
the climbing walls, the water activities and washing tons of pots and
windows. They even have an area where seniors come and camp with their
RVs for the summer. One of these senior’s main ministries is baking
cookies for everyone. “There are unlimited home made cookies for the
staff, made by loving grandmas. I never quite figured it out, but if
you get there at the right time, you can even get them while they are
still warm”. We are a long way from Marabá.

MK (Missionary Kid) Transitions

Our girls belong to the group of people who did not choose to move to a foreign country, or to travel around excessively with their parents, or to move to another foreign country (Canada) to go to University. Along with all the good memories comes the necessity of saying good-bye and starting over. The better your life was, the harder this is. Twenty-two young adults in this same situation met in Seattle for 12 days with some mentors and trained councillors who could help them understand what they were going through. The days were filled with small group discussions about everything, learning to put language to their feelings, eating all the good food they wanted, splitting into small groups and doing photo scavenger hunts in down-town Seattle,…”Those were the funnest days of my life.”

At the MK Transition course the girls watched a secular description of the five stages of a forced transition (included below). It is helpful for them to understand their feelings. It was encouraging to make friends with others who are also engaging in the process of “finding their place” again.

Click here to see Giraffe in Quicksand

We appreciate your prayers. While we are greatly blessed on every side,we are also all struggling in our own ways.


Many years ago, while I was out learning how to be a “missionary”, Deanna was kind of sad some days to have to stay home and look after our small children. One day a stranger knocked on our door. “Hi. My name is Elba. I wonder if you need help? I am 16 years old. I just moved to this big city of Santarem and want to work my way through high school.” A year later Elba moved with us and the Campos family to pioneer the beginnings of this church-planting movement in Altamira and to work her way through Grade 12. After Bible School in Southern Brazil Elba moved back to Altamira to open a training center, marry Steve and become a senior church pastor. She is now, along with Clenildo Campos, among the five national co-ordinators for the Vineyard Brasil. Elba and Clenildo are responsible for all the churches in Northern Brazil, including us in Marabá. This week-end Elba is speaking at the Vineyard National Women’s Conference in Chicago. So…the result of Deanna’s faithfulness with our family and with Elba is bearing tremendous rewards in God’s economy.
Please pray for Elba this week-end in Chicago, and for Steve, Camily and Alyssa who remained home in Altamira.
Here is a clip from the online advertisements for the conference in Chicago.


Part of our church planting strategy includes training faithful people, who will train others. Small discipleship bible study groups are one of the practical ways we train leaders. Cesar’s dad left abandoned his family about two years ago. In spite of this personal difficulty Cesar and his brothers are becoming leaders in the church, helping others find a better way.

Cesar (the guy with the green t-shirt in this photo) tells what he learned on the Altamira Trip.
  1. I needed to understand this teaching about how to become a spiritual father to my disciples, because this is the future of our church. 
  2. I learned how to grow by helping others become followers of Jesus.
  3. I learned that I need to act as a follower of Jesus in every place, at all times.