Keith and Marsha Come To Visit

Keith and Marsha drove here yesterday and are staying for the week-end.
Keith and Marsha worked quite a bit with Ivanildo and Monica in Altamira. Ivanildo was just becoming a Christian while Keith was first learning to speak Portuguese. Learning to plant churches together makes for many rich memories and strong friendships, the kind of close friendships non-Christians dream about and long for.

A Neighbourhood Wedding

Ivanildo and Monica had the honor of helping in the first of our friend’s weddings. They signed as witnesses at the Notary Public, and again at the court.

The couple celebrated later with a roasted lamb at their house.

The wife, Vera, has been part of our church for over a year. The husband, Aldamir, is still on his way to becoming part of our church.

Big Fire Down the Road From Us

This week a big warehouse burned to the ground just a couple of miles from us, very near where I run in the mornings. This is was the main warehouse for 66 department stores in the Marabá region. Damage estimates vary from $10,000,000 by one blogsite to $40,000,000 by a store manager I was talking to yesterday to $690,000,000 (one billion reias) by the state daily newspaper (quoted from the link below). The Leolar warehouse was loaded in preparation for Christmas shopping.

This is money wasted. Gone.

What could we have done with ten percent of that loss? We could have built a training center, upgraded our old vehicles and developed a church-planting fund to assist the newly trained workers in start-ups. Well…we can do that anyway. God’s economy is so different from ours. All week I have been thinking of the Little / Big principle. God watches all of us to see if we are faithful with what we have. He hopes He can entrust us with more. Have you ever been in a place where you wish you had more trustworthy workers? God is in that place.


Something to Think About

I want in. I want the kingdom of heaven. I’m going for it. But where am I going? How do I get there?

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Mt 5.3)

What do you think of when you hear the phrase “poor in spirit”?

How do others think you are doing with this?

What actions have you done yesterday or today to help you position yourself in the “poor in spirit” camp? What attitudes do your family and close friends see in you?

I heard John Wimber say, “I am just one beggar showing other beggars where to find bread”. He said this as he told the story about the four lepers who found the abundance in the vacant Aramean camp. (2 Kings 7:1-9) They went to tell the rest of the starving Israelites. I think this captures the “poor in spirit” idea. So does Jesus, choosing to be born in a stable.


Moving Day

We now live in our own home once again.
It has been two years, two and a half months since we left our home in Altamira.
Now we can finally really unpack our stuff.

This morning when I stepped out of our bedroom the kitchen was cool.
Up until now, it has always been hot.

We are so grateful:
– To God, for giving us this beautiful home.
– For everyone who helped us build it.

Thank you.
