Monthly Archives: June 2013
Paula e Izak
Harvest Festival
TED Talk – How to Start a Movement
Volleyball Tournament
Ivanildo and Monica, and some of the other leaders, planned a volleyball tournament, and you can only play if you are a regular member of our church. We have a lot of neighbours who like us, and even think they are part of our community. Some of us would prefer to include all of them as well. And we do, in many of our events.
In the Bible Paul talks about expelling people so they miss the church community so much they will repent of their sins and turn away from them. Here in Marabá this is making a little more sense to me.
Becoming a Christian includes a lot more benefits than just “not going to hell” or some theoretical or real peace “now that we finally adhere to the right creed”. I wonder what your thoughts are, as you read this, and what your story is?