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The infinitely creative and diverse nature of God is clearly revealed in nature.

“For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made” (ESV Romans 1:19-20a).

Not Enough Time in the Day?

IF you are stressed because you simply do not have enough time in the day, . . . it is time to rebel.

The next time you buying groceries pick the longest checkout line. You don’t have the time but do it anyway. This is important. Use the extra time to be amazed at the abundance God has put within your reach. Spend a bit of your extra time trying to talk to the strangers around you. At least soak in some of their pain or well-being. If the person behind you is obviously stressed, let that person go in front of you. Without talking transmit the Presence of God.

After you have paid for your groceries, do a quick emotional check.

  • How did that feel?
  • How do you feel now?

Favorite Photos

Julia lives downstairs. Life is fun and adventures!

Anni, Marcos (Ivanildo and Monica’s son) and Marques.
The Marabá Church worship team.

Sharece and our four daughters, Emma, Anni, Bella, and Via
Sharece and Anni arrive at the Vancouver Airport after a long trip to Brazil.


This is an amazing powerful documentary about what these people call “the fastest growing church in the world.” This is about a Disciple Making Movement in Iran.

Christmas Ideas

“The reinvention of daily life means marching off the edge of our maps.” Bob Black

If you know someone who is having trouble getting into the mood for Christmas, these ideas may be helpful.

1. For People With Small Children:

Make a date with your wife to go out and buy some gifts. Focus on the special time with your wife, and don’t stress about the gifts. The best gift you can give your children is to love your spouse. We always found it the most fun to give our children something we can do together, and then we give our children the gift of time during the Christmas holidays.

2. For Grandparents:

If you are a grandparent and you have developed a tradition of giving all your grandchildren gifts, you have a great opportunity! Use the whole month of December. Make a date with each grandchild who lives close to you. Tell them you need their help to buy their cousin or sibling a gift within your budget. While you are out together, don’t forget to allow time for Starbucks or ice cream. If you don’t know what to talk about say, “It’s been a long time since I was your age. What is it like?” Be more about listening than talking, and leave your phone at home. With a bit of effort you can build lifetime memories with your grandchildren that far exceed gifts and Christmas.

3. For Extended Family Functions:

Be a friendly, supportive presence. Many Christmas movies are families bickering and fighting among themselves. Go against the culture on this one. If you need to get a gift for a family gathering use this excuse to get together with a family member you have not seen recently. Tell them you need their help getting a fun gift. You goal is to listen to your family member’s stories.

4. For All of Us:

Christmas is the loneliest time of the year for many people. It is to miss loved ones who are no longer around. Deanna and I have a motto, “Our money and time go a lot farther when we help people when they need help, compared to helping people when it is convenient for us.” Be observant in the workplace, at school, and at church. Invest time and money on at least a few lonely people this Christmas. 

What works for you? How can you be Jesus’ hands, feet, and voice this Christmas season?

The Jews celebrated “a holiday for parties and fun and laughter, the sending and receiving of presents and of giving gifts to the poor” (MSG Esther 9:22b).

Monte Verde

Our training camp, Monte Verde, is an hour by car and ten hours by boat from Altamira. It has beautiful sandy beaches. You cannot see the ants, and mosquitos, the sweltering afternoon heat, the difficulty and expense for locals to maintain this site, and the rustic conditions. You can sense the beauty, the friendships, and the rich environment for Christian growth.

Teaching about Immanuel Prayer

Sharing Immanuel Prayer Stories – There are lots of stories every time.

Angelita and AnnikaWe moved to Altamira to start this church planting movement with Angelita, her husband Clenildo, and Elba. Annika was four years old back then. 

Clenildo planted this mango tree. Now we are learning about Discovery Groups in the shade.

Favorite Photos

We still have a few narrow bridges on the TransAmazon Highway. You get an adrenaline rush when you are passing someone in a cloud of dust and you get surprised by one of these . . . I have heard this is true.

The captain of this public lineboat was shot and killed by pirates who boarded the boat and robbed the passengers.

We occasionally see wild toucans, macaws, parrots, and monkeys.

Rayanne is Bruno’s cousin. Bruno is a young man who wanted to be a missionary, but he became a bandit and was shot and killed a couple of years ago.
Rayanne is 8 months pregnant. She had a baby shower this week.

Junior’s shirt makes sense to me. “Make more detours.” Shortcuts are over-rated.