
One of the guys in our church is Elismar. He is an amazing welder and fabricator. Here he is fixing our gate. The portable welder is in the wheel-barrow.

We are trying to promote safe work habits here on the chacara. It is hard to do when we work with a minimum budget, and when the people we work with are so used to doing without. When it was my turn to fix our water caixa, that is 20 feet in the air, I went and got our aluminum ladder. Halfway up, I noticed it was cracked and swaying, and really unsafe. I carefully climbed down, went to town, and bought a new one. It cost over US$500 for a fiberglass extension ladder. It seems like so much money, when the old broken ladder could get the job done. On the other hand, it is a lot cheaper than an accident. It is not only the proper gear that we need, we also need to provide the training as to why we need safety equipment. I now understand how sometimes accidents happen on the mission field. May the Lord give us wisdom, and protection, as we seek to work with Him in His harvest field.

Art Turns 50

Art turned 50 this week, and the Rae family hosted a great celebration. Barbecued ribs. Home made ice cream cake. I wish you could have been here. I am really enjoying getting to know Art better. He is a willing and helpful team player, and I am so glad they moved to Brazil.
Really glad.

Art’s Story

Good morning friends and family,
The ladies had a fantastic weekend of teaching and  receiving prayer. I heard from Cyndi just how many of the ladies and teens were met by God in very real, deep and practical ways. All received some type of healing in their lives and some type of burden was lifted from them. They freedom and lightness that I witnessed Sunday night at our service was so apparent. The ladies were ‘glowing’ and laughing and so full of joy. It was so evident and so attractive. Many of the family members came to the service just to hear the testimonies. People came early and people stayed late. 
Before the service, the men decorated the church. We were told that one of the things the ladies were hearing all weekend was that God sees them as princeses. So the men did the best job they could at making the place look beautiful.
The ladies all dressed up and looked fantastic.
As the ladies walked up the hill, from the mission property and entered into the church property, they were met with whistling, clapping and many, many …very loud fireworks. It was quite a sight.
When we finally entered the service and started our worship time, all the ladies rushed the front of the church , like they were at a rock concert, and started to sing, dance, laugh and enjoy each other as they worship.  
As we all watched, it was hard not to think….” I’d like what they have”. 
Many family members and husbands came to church that do not normally come. It was evident that they were impacted by what they saw.
Almost all of the ladies gave testimonies to what God did in them that weekend. They spoke of freedom, being loved, valued, being God’s princess , being whole again, having a fresh start, having a new and real family, being light…What a great weekend had by all.
Thank you for your prayers and loving support. We sure do need it.
The Men’s Encontro is this weekend. If you could remember us again this weekend, we would greatly appreciate it.
Have a great day and a great week!

Last Sunday Night

Last week-end we closed off the mission property so we could host a Women’s retreat. From Friday night to Sunday night the women prayed, ate, heard sermons, received council and prayer, and reflected on their lives. Sunday night the week-end ended with our church service. I gave my camera to one of the young guys, who walked around during the service and took photos. Here are a few of my favorites.

When the FIFA World Cup Soccer Tournament was hosted in South Africa in 2010, Ivanildo bought a TV and a dish so he could watch the series. He also bought some fireworks, to celebrate when Brazil won the World Championship. Brazil did not w

in. The fireworks were not lit. Every so often Ivanildo would take them off the shelf, look at them, and wonder when another suitable occasion would come. Here in Northern Brazil, lighting off fireworks in someone’s honor makes them feel really special. Last Sunday, when the Ladies finished their Encounter Week-end, Ivanildo brought up his box of fireworks and lit them off as the Ladies were entering the church.

These friends of ours travelled 13+ hours by bus Thursday, helped lead the Women’s Encontro Retreat Fri-Sun, and then at 5 a.m. got back on the bus to ride 13+ hours home again. And they over R$100 each, a large sum in their economy, to get to help like this.