2020 Vision

1. Start Disciple Making Movements

In the 1990s, in Altamira, we set out to start by planting 1,000 churches in the Amazon. Our intention is to get to heaven with as many people as possible, plus relevant churches are the best long-term way to help the poor and transform communities. We are now around 20 churches and 80 church plants.

In 2015 we learned about Disciple Making Movements (DMMs). We hope this year it will take off. We plan to invest our resources in training leaders by spending quality time together and by using the discovery process.

 2. Develop a Missions Partnership Program with Brazilian Pastors

Deanna and I accepted an invitation to coordinate a Mission Partnership Program for Brazilian churches. We will develop a structure where teams of churches in Brazil can work together to help with missions in other countries. Countries / Regions that have requested the Brazilian’s help:

a) Angola
b) Mozambique
c) Portugal
d) North Africa

 3. Prisoner Resocialization

This weighs heavily on my heart, but it depends on resources. People, time, and money. This is a wide open door for the gospel. Prisoners are the lepers of our era. Almost no one wants to help them. On the good side they are often courageous and often do not have attachment issues. They may be more ready to do what it takes and go where God sends them than many of us . . . once God gets hold of them and starts His transformation process. And God has a soft spot in His heart for the disadvantaged, marginalized, and outcasts.


We are under-funded, unqualified by worldly standards, and we don’t have enough time. We need a movement of many more leaders led by the Lord Jesus.

Most of our current work is led by a few Brazilian leaders who work to motivate, encourage, and equip the rest. We would like to find 975 more undeveloped leaders, show them how to fan to flame their spiritual gifts,  and give them permission to go for it.

I am committing this year to more prayer, and I ask for your prayers.

If the Lord speaks to you, I ask you to join us with financial support, and in other ways too. What is God saying to you?

If your heart beats faster when you read this, or if you start thinking about this at random moments, please pay attention.

It’s high risk, but if we don’t do what we can now, when will we do it?

What are your ideas as you read this?

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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