The dental outreach is along the banks of the Tapajós River, about an hour out of Santarem. Clenildo designed and built this steel boat. With the right kind of rebetta motor, it is very fast.
Lucas was one of the small, wild neighborhood boys when Deanna started a neighborhood Sunday School in our carport in Altamira in 2002. Over time his extended family started coming to church, and now several of his relatives are pastors. Last Sunday, Lucas and his family came to Marabá with his family for a holiday. Ivanildo and Monica are among his relatives. He preached a great sermon on church planting and missions.
Deanna’s jambo platz, from Margaret Bergen’s apple platz recipe, was a big hit for the dentist outreach. Jambos are a kind of fruit that grows on trees, about the size of a huge strawberry or small apple. When they are sun-ripened, the biggest purple ones taste like a cross between strawberries and apples.
Angelita’s sister in Santarem has a yard with beautiful trees!
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