
At the recent conference in Porto de Moz, the whole first night was dedicated to worship.

All the churches prepared teams who practiced complex choreographed dances, complete with costumes and props. There was no preaching on the opening night.

The energy was palpable and so different from my personal preferences. Of course, my preferences have become adaptive over time as I watch for the Holy Spirit.

Things That Delight the Heart
* wearing the same shirt
* passionate, expressive, whole-hearted worship
* doing things together
* watching others doing things together
* win/win competitions – practicing long hours to perform in front of a group
* symbolic demonstrations of spiritual or social realities
* being awesome for Jesus

This group cooked the meals, set up the chairs, cleaned the garbage, and served tirelessly. They often wore optional conference t-shirts, which cost those who could afford one the price of 1/2 day’s labor (R$35).

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