It’s a Good Deal

We have many options when it comes to Christian missions.
Partners who support Deanna and I are helping Train Leaders and Plant Churches.
We are working at planting and releasing church-planting communities where people can work out their faith and help others do the same.

  1. We started by learning to work together with many people to plant churches from scratch.
  2. We were instrumental in the beginnings of three, including Central Church, Mirante Church, and the Marabá Church.
  3. We now use our experience and learning to help other leaders effectively Train Leaders and Plant Churches.
  4. We are influencing an organizational culture where reproducible church planting can happen organically in many locations simultaneously.
  5. In 2025, we will travel and minister among our people in Brazil. We have also been invited by Milton and Lu (the national directors of Vineyard Brazil) and Michael and Helen Hansen (pastors in Ohio) to go on another survey trip, this time to Portugal. 
  6. Even as we want to release and bless leaders to plant churches in Brazil, we want to help Brazilians become cross-cultural church planters. In the abundance-thinking nature of the Kingdom, finding international God stories will increase our appetite for local God stories.
  7. We have great hope for the future.

A Good Deal

Investing with church planters is a good deal because your investment continues to produce fruit for generations.

So then, you will know them by their fruits (Mt 7:20).

This is a historic photo of the beginning of the first Vineyard church in Altamira in 1996.

But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven… for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Mt 6:20–21).

If you desire to help with long-term community transformation and assist people in finding their reason for living, consider joining our us or other church planting missionaries with financial support.

If you want to be part of this ministry or to increase your involvement, please click on the donation link at the bottom of this email or contact me at 

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