Tips to Read the Bible Through Each Year

1. Start Your Day with the Word: Begin each morning by prioritizing your Bible reading. Let it be the first thing that welcomes you into a new day.

2. Seek Nuggets of Wisdom: Approach your reading as a search for gold nuggets. You’re not trying to mine the whole creek or process every word. Look for one or two insights that resonate deeply with you.

3. Embrace a Flowing Reading Style: Train your eyes to drift over the words effortlessly, absorbing the essence without getting bogged down. The experience is more like drinking from a fire hydrant than savoring each morsel at a Brazilian churrasqueria. This helps you stay on track and capture more meaning.

4. Prepare Your Heart and Mind: Invite the author, the Holy Spirit, to guide you in understanding the passages and revealing their relevance to your life. Ask for insight and clarity.

5. Consistent Timing and Place: Establish a routine by finding a comfortable spot and dedicating the same time each day to your reading. Create a sacred space for this practice.

6. Savor the Moments: Consider planning other times to delve deeper into some stories or texts. Both methods enrich your spiritual journey, and I find it helpful to keep them separate.

7. Share and Reflect: Share your learning with others to increase your understanding and make the truth more meaningful. Don’t let your discoveries evaporate.

8. Make it Enjoyable: Turn this time into a delightful experience. For example, I brew a strong cup of coffee and use the preparation time to express gratitude and eager anticipation for the day ahead to the Holy Spirit.

9. Clear Your Mind: I do my quiet time before sampling the delicious distractions of emails or social media because I want an uncluttered mind as I chart a clear course for the next leg of my journey to heaven.

10. Celebrate Your Devotions: Let your personal devotions be the highlight of your day, a special time with Jesus as you walk together on your uniquely designed path to heaven.

May your mornings be brightened and your soul enriched as you start each day with this precious Bible time. You can enhance it further with Centering Prayer, praying through lists, or other disciplines. 🌟📖✨
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