JohnLennon taught himself guitar, but since he is left-handed but only had access to a right-handed guitar, he learned to play it backwards. And he can really play! If you know anything about guitar, watch JohnLennon’s right hand play all the chords backwards, with the small strongs on the top of the neck. He comes from a long line of musician’s. His brother, Johnny, has a very popular band that plays in the clubs and bars every week-end and holidays. I asked his dad if he named Johnny after Johnny Cash but he said, “No. I just liked the name Johnny”. In the video below you can see John Lennon’s mom Penha worshipping God, and in another photo Johnny’s wife is there too.
JohnLennon spoke at our church last night. He was one of the key young leaders here during our first two years or so. This past year he joined another denomination, as you can possibly tell by the clothes he is wearing. He came to see if he can help us as our band has drifted into difficult waters (we are wounded healers). Ivanildo and Monica asked him if he would be the speaker at the Saturday night youth service. He ended with this song and an alter call.
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