A backhoe was working in our yard. The operator looked at our clothesline and asked us what it was. Ivanildo explained how we hung our clothes to dry, and could stand in one place while pulling the cable over pulleys to move the clothes. He looked, and looked. Finally he just smiled and shook his head like, “Now I have seen everything”! There are no clothes drier machines that we know of in Marabá. Everyone hangs all their laundry around the yard, or on their porch, or in their homes. Barbed wire fences work really well. We set up a similar clothes line with cables and pulleys at Ivanildo’s house. It extends way out to the top of a tree down the hill from his house. One girl was staring at Ivanildo’s line for quite awhile. Finally she went up to Monica, “How do you hang your clothes so high up in the air, and how do you get them back down again”?
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